What's the velocity of a skateboarder weegy. 67 m/s. What's the velocity of a skateboarder weegy

67 m/sWhat's the velocity of a skateboarder weegy  Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6

Given that, Mass of skateboarder 1 m₁ = 80 kg. The minimum centripetal force necessary to keep the skater on the ramp is Centripetal force = mv²/r = 52 * 8. What is the velocity of a skateboarder in meters per second if he is traveling 2 kilometers west in 52 minutes?What's the kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with a velocity of 10 m/s? Weegy: The kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with a velocity of 10 m/s is 600J ; kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 * 12 *10^2 = 1/2 * 12 *100 = 12 * 50 =600J. 67 m/s. 68 ft 37. 13. Nonfiction writing focuses only on. 13. Question. If the velocity of a body changes from 13 m/s to 30 m/s, the average velocity is the sum of the initial and final velocity divided by 2. u = initial velocity. Expert Answered. 2 m/s m / s toward the south and a constant acceleration of 1. It crashes into another object that has a mass of 100 kg, and the two object stick together. Solution: Momentum=mass * velocity; P = m * v; 4000 = 115 * v; v=4000/115 =34. 6 m/s )x^ and the force exerted on her by the rope is F = (17 N)x^ + (12 N)y^. Trough 4. Weegy: A current of 9 amps flows through an electric device with a resistance of 43 ohm. If the skateboarder continues going back and forth on the half. 78 35m/s;Weegy: The velocity of an object that has a momentum of 4,000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg is 34. a biker who maintains a constant speed through a race . What is the energy transformation? At point A, the skateboarder’s energy is all potential since she is high up and gravity has the potential to pull her down. 67 m/s. 6. What's the kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with a velocity of 10 m/s? The kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with a velocity of 10 m/s is 600J ; kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 * 12 *10^2 = 1/2 * 12 *100 = 12 * 50 =600J. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. Momentum and Impulse questions. In this case, momentum = 100 kgm/s and mass = 15 kg. User: What's. 67 m/s. 6. 67 kg D. 3. The momentum of skateboard B is again mass times velocity masses 50, and the velocity is too. 90 m/s C. Question Solved step-by-step What is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth. 67 m/s. 67 m/s. is the velocity of the object. How many countries in the world Weegy: There is 195 countries in the world. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 3. What's the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100kg-m/s and mass is 15kg? round to the nearest hundredth Weegy: 6. Buck M. 67m/s User: What is the velocity of an object that has a momentum of 4000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth Weegy: 34. A skateboarder (m = 85 kg) takes a running jump onto a friend's skateboard that is initially at rest as sketched in Figure P7. 6. 6) (36) = 331 + 21. 6. m = mass of a body. where: m — Mass; and. An object has a momentum of 4,000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg. User: the main difference between speed and velocity involves Weegy: The main difference between speed and velocity involves direction. 13. 3. Jonathan: People skateboarding on a half-pipe take advantage of two primary physics conservation principles: conservation of energy and angular momentum. A 52. 25 m/s D. The component of the weight down the slope is equal to mg sin θ θ (see the free-body diagram in Figure 6. What is the velocity of a skateboard whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth. Score . 6. The radius of the half-pipe ramp is 3. An object has a momentum of 4,000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg. 2 x^2$). what's the acceleration of the object?The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. 8 m/s toward the south and a constant acceleration of 2. Log in for more information. 6. Thus, velocity = momentum/mass = 100/15. 67m/s 6. nonexpendable supplies. 90 m/s. 60 m/s. An object with A mass of 120 kg is moving at a velocity of 60 m/s. To estimate the skateboarder's velocity at the moment he touched down onto the ramp, we can use the formula v(t) = s'(t), where v(t) is the velocity at time t and s'(t) is the derivative of s(t). After landing on the skateboard, the velocity of the board plus the two skateboarders is 3. 1 m/s2 toward the east. Weegy: 2+2 = 4 User: whats a digital text Weegy: 2+2=4 User: What's the best way to avoid filter. 67 m/s The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. 67 m/s. Where: KE = kinetic energy. 00 meters. p = mv (mass x velocity) = 15kg * 10 m/s = 150 kg-m/s. Velocity after a certain time of acceleration: final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration × time. The average speed of a skateboard can range from 5-12 mph. Weegy: The lifestyle of the Mongol people in the Middles Ages can. 6. [ Her energy transformations as she jumps off at point A, slides to point B, and finally reaches point C is There is a continuous conversion between kinetic and potential energy. A. 67m/s Log in for more information. final velocity is. A water skier is being pulled by a tow rope attached to a boat. Expert answered|capslock|Points 18731| User: The main difference between speed and velocity involves A. Speed refers only to the distance an object travels per unit of time, whereas velocity also indicates the direction of travel - is the difference between the speed and velocity of an object. An object has a momentum of 4,000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg. 13. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 00 meters. 08 for 50 m until they reach a point C . 03:07. 6. The final velocity of the last motion will now be the initial velocity. 5 m/sTherefore, the. 6. 67 m/s. Weegy: A person with the mass of 15 kg is walking downhill with a velocity of 10 m/s. if the velocity of an object changes from 65 m/s to 98 m/s during a tie interval of 12 s whats the acceleration of the object Weegy: A tenement is a type of building shared by multiple dwellings, typically with flats or apartments on each floor and with shared entrance stairway access, on the British isles notably common in Scotland. ) 27. Find the skaterboarder's velocity immediately after the boy jumps, assuming that the skateboard's initial velocity is 3. 67 m/s. -46. 5 m/s. A skateboarder is inside of a half-pipe, shown here. 67 m/s Expert answered| capslock |Points 485| Momentum : It is defined a the product of mass and the velocity of an object. 20 m/s E. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. The slope of a velocity graph will be given by the following formula: slope = rise run = v 2 − v 1 t 2 − t 1 = Δ v Δ t. Final answer. . User: Select all that apply. 25 m/s B. An experienced skateboarder can regularly hit speeds of 8 mph and over. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or. 67 m/s. Reduced velocity = 2. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. What is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s is 15 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth. I've been trying to learn to pop over a curb on my skateboard. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 0 mathrm{m} / mathrm{s}$ relative to the ground. heart. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 3 m/s. 67m/s Weegy: 6. Step-by-step explanation: It is given that, Force acting to frag an object, F = 50 N. 67 m/s. High School Science Physics Conceptual Physics: The High School Physics Program Calculate the speed (in m/s) of a skateboarder who accelerates from rest for 3 seconds down a ramp at an acceleration of 5 m / s 2 . Weegy: A book with a mass of 5 kg is pushed off a table with the velocity of 2 m/s. 67 m/s. 13 * 0. 3 kg-m/s B. 25 m/s B. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. 0-kg water skier has an initial speed of 6. 67 m/s. Gravitational acceleration = g = 9. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. Question|Asked by Kbray007. We can use this fact to measure the coefficient of kinetic friction between two objects. User: Which one of the following substances is a liquid fuel used in rocket engines Weegy: Sodium nitrate a liquid fuel used in rocket engines. Newton's first law says that if the net force on an object is zero ( Σ F = 0 ), then that object will have zero acceleration. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. Question: A 100 kg skateboarder (this includes the skateboard) starts at the top of a 3 m tall ramp. 30 kg-m/s is the walker's momentum. 67 m/s. weegy. Taking the derivative of s(t) = 16t^2, we get v(t) = 32t. As the. 005. 6. 6. 67m/s. Popular. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. 25 m/s. A stationary skateboarder 1 with a mass of 50 kg pushes a stationary skateboarder 2 with a mass of 75 kg. Weegy: Filipino guerrillas resisted against the control of Japan during World War II. 89 m above the top of the ramp. 24m / a C. nonexpendable supplies include ___, a. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 67 kg. What is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100kgm / s and mass is 15 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth. Which kinematic formula would be most useful to solve for the target unknown?343. The goal is to determine the total normal force exerted by the ground on the skateboard during the impact. 6 m/s. 67 m/s. Transcribed image text: 3. 80 s?The slope of a velocity graph represents the acceleration of the object. 67 m/s. What is the skateboarder's acceleration? (Remember. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. 452. 4 s m 10, point, 4, space, start fraction, m, divided by, s, end fraction starts getting chased by a grumpy dog. 5 Answers. 67 m/s. The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. 1kg, and the skateboarder is holding a book with mass mb=2. a 16 kg penguin at rest. 3 m/s is the velocity of a sound wave traveling through air at a temperature of 20°C (68°F). 0-kilogram skateboarder does a trick on a half-pipe. Its momentum is 10 kg-m/s. Weegy: 2 + 2 = 4 User: an implied or indirect referance to a. weegy; Answer. c. The velocity of skateboarder 1 is determined from the principle of conservation of linear momentum. Transcribed image text: 2. Initial velocity = 13m/s Final velocity = 30 m/s Average velocity = (13+20)/2 Average velocity = 43/2 Average velocity = 21. Warning triangles, flares, a vehicle's hazard. 0 m/s. 7 kg object moves with a velocity of 8 m/s. 67 kg. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. In this case, momentum = 100 kgm/s and mass = 15 kg. 67m/s What is the velocity of a skateboarder who’s momentum is 100 kg and mass is 15 kg around the nearest hundredth The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. 10 m/s. 78 m/s. Looking at the above equations for velocity, if the skateboarder makes r f small enough (by lifting his body and arms up), he will significantly increase w f. 9456 User: A force of 360 N causes a body to move with an acceleration of 10 m/s^2. 13. Using conservation of energy. Momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity. v = 2600 m/s. Unlock. Earth Sciences questions and answers. Σ F horizontal = 15 N. User: Which of the following is considered to be a vector? Temperature, time, velocity, mass Weegy: Velocity is considered to be a vector. 67m/s. 6. v = velocity. What is the velocity of a skateboarder lose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15kg round the nearest hundredth The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. ) the final momentum of the ball. 2 m/s toward the south and a constant acceleration of 2. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 67 m/s . 67m/s 6. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. 10 kg-m/s D. 67 m/s. 6T, where v is the velocity of the sound wave in units of m/s and T is the temperature measured in degrees Celsius. 6. 1 kg, sits on a diving board above a dunk tank. 1 kg * m/s. The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. f. 67m/s Log in for more information. 7 kg-m/s. 25 m/s D. weight. Consider the skateboarder in Figure P6. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. The skateboarder speeds up with a constant acceleration for 39, ext{m}39m39, space, m over 3. skateboarder is inside of a half-pipe, shown here. 6. Asked 10/22/2021 4:38:27 AM. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. It crashes into another object that has a mass of 100 kg, and the two object stick together. 25 m/s C. Many factors can affect the. 3s3, point, 3, space, s time interval. 02 m/s. 9² /. What is the velocity of the skateboarder at the bottom of the ramp? Video Answer . Which is an example of negative acceleration? a snowboarder who increases speed when traveling downhill. Updated 5/28/2019 11:59:14 AM. Solution: velocity= momentum/mass = 4,000/115 = 34. 9802 6. B. 5 m/s (More)A person with a mass of 15 kg is walking uphill at a velocity of 2 m/s. what’s the purpose of an. Part B: Assuming the velocity of the bike is the same as that of the skateboarder, find the work the rope does on the bicycle in 20 seconds. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. 67 m/s. 1 kg * m/s. Solution: Formula used : p=mv where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity 100 Kg m/s =15Kg x v v=6. 67 m/s. We want to find the acceleration of the skateboarder over the 3. 67 kg. 67 kg. Let the x x direction be eastward and the y y direction be northward, and let the skateboarder be at the origin at. Updated 42 days ago|11/18/2022 12:48:22 AM. 75 m/s^2; the answer is 8. 5 × m × v². User: What is the velocity of a skateboarder who is momentum is 100 KGMS in mass is 15. Expert Answered. The mass of. the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 5 m/s and the boy's velocity when jumping off the front of it is 5 m/s. The final velocity of skateboarder 1 after the collision with the skateboarder 2 is 3 m/s to the left. 03:07. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. 0 m / s 2. the. 0. 6. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Describe the four main types of resistance forces. Added 87 days ago|8/24/2023 11:09:27 PMAt positions (1) and (2), the velocity of the center of mass G is given by These two velocities are parallel to the half-pipe since the body is rigid at positions (1) and (2). Weegy: The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. asked • 12/06/17 100 lb skateboarder Road E 5 lb board at 20 miles per hour what is the momentum of the skateboarderAt point A, the skateboarder has maximum potential energy, at point B, she has maximum kinetic energy and at point C she has potential energy. Kinetic energy is associated with. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart. Consider the skateboarder in the figure below. m = mass. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. Popular Conversations. A. 3. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get the velocity of a skateboarder. a) Calculate the velocity at which the skateboard moves backwards if the skateboarder jumps forwards at a velocity of 0. 67 m/s. 9802 Weegy: The velocity of a skateboarder who momentum who is a 100 kg is 6. Kinetic energy is associated with movement and is proportional to the. A 40 kg skateboarder runs at a constant velocity of 12 m/s and jumps to a stationary skateboard with a mass of 8 kg. User: Which trade bloc was formed to create cooperation on oil prices?Weegy: OPEC was formed to create cooperation on oil prices. 30 m/s across a level. 67 m/s is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 9² /. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A car with a mass of 600 kg is traveling at a velocity of 10 m/s. Part A: Find the work done on the skateboarder by the rope in 20 seconds. 67 m/s. 67 m/s. 10 m/ s. 67 m/s. Question. p = m • v Question|Asked by nooneduh. What is the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg? Round to the nearest hundredth. Weegy: Kepler modified Copernicus's model of the universe by proposing that the Paths of the planets follow an elliptical orbit around the sun. B) a 5-kg mass moving at 2 m/sec. 25 m / s down a 10 m high, frictionless, quarter-pipe between points A and B as drawn below. 67 m/s. Updated 137 days ago|7/7/2023 5:18:20 PM. Updated 221 days ago|4/13/2023 12:45:11 PM. If the velocity of a body changes from 13 m/s to 30 m/s while undergoing constant acceleration, what's the average velocity of the body? Weegy: The average velocity of the body is 21. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or. What’s the kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with velocity of 10 m/s? Weegy: The kinetic energy of an object that has a mass of 12 kilograms and moves with a velocity of 10 m/s is 600 J. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be an irrational number. 11/3/2023 12:51:18 AM| 8. Question. 0-kg boy, riding a 2. 5 m x 143 HzV = 643. An object you should choose to put onto the skateboard is: Speed. Formula used : where, p = momentum m = mass v = velocity Now. A 52. 33 m/s B. What's the difference between the speed and velocity of an object? a. A. GET THE APP. 5 mVelocity = wavelength x frequencyV = 4. 67 m/sAn object has a momentum of 4,000 kg-m/s and a mass of 115 kg. 6 ft/s. 3 + (0. What is the jogger's velocity? 4. Solution:. The minimum centripetal force necessary to keep the skater on the ramp is Centripetal force = mv²/r = 52 * 8. What is the velocity of the skateboarder at the bottom of the ramp?6. Question. 67 m/s. 67 m/s 6. Expert answered| Jozeal |Points 110148|. Weegy: A library's online catalog is a computerized index of books found within the library. Weegy: Alcohol-related crashes cost the public over $68 billion each year. 6. weegy; Answer;. a skateboarder who reduces speed when moving up a hill. Weegy: Two bouncy balls colliding with each other is an example of Elastic collision. At point A, the skateboarder's energy is all potential since she is high up (PE = mgh), and gravity has the potential to pull her down. The radius of the half-pipe ramp is 3. Let’s start with conservation of energy. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. IV- Initial Velocity -> m/s. A skateboarder is inside of a half-pipe, shown here. Expert Answered. turtle with a mass of 91 kg moving at a velocity of 1. User: What is the velocity of an object that has a momentum of 4000 kg-m/s. the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. the velocity of a skateboarder whose momentum is 100 kg-m/s and mass is 15 kg. 67m/s Log in for more information. 67 m/s. 00 meters. Speed accounts for the distance traveled and the direction, whereas velocity considers only the distance traveled per unit of time. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Substituting t ≈ 1. As shown in Example 6. The velocity of the skateboarder will be 6. The end of the ramp is 1. 0 kg runs at a constant rate of 4. Log in for more information. The velocity of the sound wave at this new temperature is 352. Question. The skateboard loses 500 J of energy. Solution: p=mv; 100Kg m/s =15Kg x v; v=6. 5 m/s toward the east. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 60 m/s D. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake.