rapid metamagic 3.5. Basically, I'm looking for a list of feats that alter spells without actually being "metamagic" feats, as such. rapid metamagic 3.5

 Basically, I'm looking for a list of feats that alter spells without actually being "metamagic" feats, as suchrapid metamagic 3.5 You could take some other metamagic feat, that either increases the spell level by 1 (e

0 in Complete Arcane to only affect 0 or 1st level spell slots. Spontaneous casters applying metamagic must either take a full-round action (if the spell normally requires a standard action or less) or add a full-round action to the. Acrobatic; Agile; Alertness; Animal Affinity; Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Proficiency (Heavy). Mainly because I'd have to get it first, and then 3 levels later bond it with DMM. Limits on times/day, so the rapid metamagic feat might be preferable, but you only give up your familiar. Picking the metamagic feat Easy Metamagic (Dragon #325 62) or the general feat Practical Metamagic (Races of the Dragon 101) to apply to the feat Heighten Spell (Player's Handbook 95) typically has no effect. You can never reduce the spell-slot cost below one level. The metamagic increases the spell level by +1. A stilled spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. This means when making a full attack (or. Any variable characteristics (including attack rolls) or decisions you would make about the spell (including target and area), are applied to both spells, with affected creatures receiving all the. - Top - End - #4. For example, if you select Practical Metamagic (Empower Spell), you can apply the. MAIN SECTION FEATS ACCELERATE METAMAGIC [General] You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more quickly than normal. 5. Any other metamagic feat, Caster Level 3rd, Constitution 13+. Easy Metamagic. 5 killer gnome. The DCs for saving throws against your breath weapon are not affected. Easy Metamagic (any metamagic feat) – Reduces metamagic cost for a selected metamagic by one, up to one level higher than the spell’s actual level (Dragon #325) Improved Metamagic(Epic, Spellcraft 30, four metamagic feat) – Reduces metamagic cost for all metamagic feats by one, up to one level higher than the spell’s. 5e comes to this would be Twin Spell (Tome and Blood, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Complete Arcane, Player’s Guide to Faerûn), but that doesn’t just have them save twice—it applies. You can apply the selected. net A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. Casting a quickened spell is a free action. The Rapid Metamagic feat says: Benefit: When you apply a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell takes only its normal casting time. Benefit. This effectively 4x XP bonus easily overrides the 2x XP penalty for wishing for magic items. Re: Magic Items for Wizard [3. All the rods described here are use-activated. If you want more, I guess you have to boost charisma or else get the Extra Turning feat. Feat Category – Metamagic. Also significant melodic casting, which allows casting while singing. Level Increase: +2 (an. You can cast spells that arc to other targets in. These creatures are described fully in the Familiars section in Chapter 1. Looking at the bard's handbook, extend spell and captivating melody are good bets, as buffs and illusions are part of your stock in trade. 5 Summoning Feats. Energy Substitution (electricity), Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks. If the spell’s normal casting time is a standard action, casting a metamagic version is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. Therefore, such a character must also take more time to cast a metamagic spell (one enhanced by a metamagic feat) than he does to cast a regular spell. I'm working on a metamagic specialist sorcerer build and I'm hoping for some advice, guidance, and. (no prerequisites) Sudden Maximize [UNKNOWN=sup]: CA/Miniatures Handbook: Summon more of the lower list creatures. Rapid Shot* Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot: Make one extra ranged attack. Alternatively you can use Warmage to learn whole lists of spells as a spontaneous caster. 5] Single-Class Sorcerer Feats. , Haste is normally a level 3 arcane spell, but Extended Haste uses a level 4 spell slot; an Empowered fireball does 50% more damage, but uses a level 5 spell slot. The diviner may not select a metamagic feat as a wizard bonus feat (that is, those feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level). Spells with a normal casting time of 1 action (or less) which are spontaneously modified by metamagic feats also take a full-round action to cast but come into effect right on your turn. In this way, you can still attempt this build even if your dungeon master won't allow you to take flaws. The shadow evocation spell, in part, says that it allows you "to cast a quasi-real, illusory. You can charge your damaging spells with celestial energy that. Last edited by Ruethgar; 2018-12-17 at 03:00 PM. You must spend one turn or. Metamagic Gems (consumable item) Single-use metamagic rods. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower, while greater rods can be used with spells of 9th. radius when it's detonated. Source: Dragon #325. By using this ability you. You could not use a longsword and a metamagic rod in the same hand, because they both use that hand. Divine metamagic allows you to replace the spell level adjustment of a specific metamagic feat with turn undead attempts. The Automatic X Spell feats allow you to reduce the increment to 0. Immediate Magic PH2: While not related to summoning, this deserves special mention. The creature serves as a companion and servant. (This isn’t the same as a 1-round casting time. Rapid Spell from Complete Divine specifically cannot do this. You can create weapons, armor and possibly siege equipment for your undead minions. 5] Get the +6 int item. Electric999999 • 4 yr. This supernatural quality requires no activation. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. Reach Spell is really good, but you need to remember that if you apply it for spontaneously "dropped" cures the rules for using metamagic feats for spontaneous casters apply. The Arcane Preparation feat from Complete Arcane does the trick and is available from level 1, but you have to prepare the spell with metamagic at the start of the day, losing. 5. Originally Posted by SRD: Metamagic Feats. Metamagic only applies to spells; you can’t prepare or cast your racial darkness from a higher level spell slot to use Quicken Spell anyway. A character who picks up Quicken Spell can’t immediately begin quickening her most powerful spells—she must initially be content using the feat only on her weakest spells. When you apply a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell takes only its normal casting time. 83) states: You can cause any ray spell to fire one additional ray beyond the number normally allowed. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in. Based on the magic item creation rules, the cost for. You can make a spell last all day. You cannot partially increase the level of the spell (or "split" the cost) to reduce the number of uses of bardic. 101) You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more easily. If the spell's normal casting time is a standard action, casting a metamagic version is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. If you wind up with a 1st-level spell taking up a 6th-level spell slot thanks to metamagic, it's still a 1st-level spell. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). 9th level spells and lots of illusion-action, but he still plays music every round. If a spell’s normal casting time is 1 standard action, casting a metamagic version of the spell is a full-round action for a sorcerer or bard. Draconic breath can be useful at lower lvs. Rapid Metamagic: You possess an uncanny mastery of your magic, enabling you. When preparing or casting a spell modified by that feat, lower the spell-slot cost by one. Re: Optimizing Magic Missile [3. An enlarged spell with a range of close now has a range of 50 ft. Consider Wu Jen (Bonus MM feat at 1st), and a Spell Secret, Elemental Mastery. Last. Use a feat on Obtain Familiar and all is hunky dory again. As a free action, you can take the energy from turning or rebuking undead and use it to apply a metamagic feat to spells that you know. A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. Extend Spell) or not at all (e. You power your spells with your own essence. However, the following feats are added to the list of bonus feats available to her at those levels: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Skill Focus (Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive. 46): [General] You possess an uncanny mastery of your magic, enabling you to modify spells on the fly much faster than others can. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. That's bad by any standard). g. Wild Cohort. Without the added casting time, both classes are still casting spells the same way. Also, that's still not how Easy Metamagic, Practical Metamagic, or even the Incantatrix's Improved Metamagic ability works. No, there are separate Meta-Spell-like Ability feats, like Quicken Spell-like Ability and Empower Spell-like Ability. Warmage gets the ability to cast in medium armor from class levels and with a feat you can cast in heavy. Re: Optimizing Magic Missile [3. Re: Magic Items for Wizard [3. The Gnome Wizard 1 substitution level that makes Silent Image a 0-level spell (gaining another +1 from Earth Spell). Between metamagic feats, a reserve feat or two, maybe Uncanny Forethought or Cloudy Conjuration or something like that, Mindsight if dipping into Mindbender, and, of course, prerequisite feats for prestige classes, most wizards have plenty of worthwhile feats availble. Debilitating Aura only imposes a -1 to AC, but it’s better than Aura of Courage. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting water spells. You can use two spell slots of the same level to cast a spell you know that is one level higher. 2011-02-14, 10:57 PM (ISO 8601) Some quick research confirms RAW although whomever writes the metamagic version down must have the prerequisite feats, the subsequent users of the scroll do not per RAW and must only make a Spellcraft(DC 15 +spell level, -2 if within their specialty school) to copy it into their spellbook, where it’s a spell of whatever level the metamagic increased it to. I was taking a look at the "sudden" metamagic feats in Complete Arcane, and they seemed kind of overpowered, unless I'm missing a restriction (other than only once/day). Metamagic Components. Rapid metamagic is required to keep casting time at 1 standard action. Now, if I wanted to take 2 metamagic feats -- lets call them X and Y -- each with the prerequisite: any other metamagic feat. Would be nicer if you could use it a bit more often. + 80 ft. If you use a lot of summons, then Augment Summoning (PH) might be a good choice, especially because you could take Imbue Summoning (PH2) after that. When you remove that barrier, Quicken Spell is just as applicable as any other metamagic feat. In another thread Cold Napalm claimed that, according to RAW, a spontaneous caster (such as a sorcerer) who applied multiple metamagic feats to a single spell (such as an empowered maximized fireball) would add multiple full round actions to the casting time, one for each metamagic feat applied (or two full round actions for the above example). Persistent Cloud of Knives can do a ton of damage over the course of the day. Still, metamagic is useful. As a SS, you just prepare the spell with the metamagic, (so Rapid SNA IV in a level 5 slot for example), and it does not extend the casting time. To Paraphrase: Can I cast the 5th-level Sor/Wiz spell shadow evocation [illus] (Player's Handbook 277) so as to mimic the 2nd-level Sor/Wiz spell flaming sphere [evoc] (PH 232) that's been modified by the metamagic feat Empower Spell (PH 93)? No. Rapid Metamagic: You gain the Rapid Metamagic feat even if you don't meet the prerequisites. + 20 ft. Special . txt) or read online for free. Wizard is really a stronger choice, everything considered. 72. Rapid Metamagic ( Complete Mage, p. For example, if you select Practical Metamagic (Empower Spell), you can apply the Empower. This is, again, true even if the longsword has no magic. Sudden Metamagic (Su): At 2nd level, choose a metamagic feat you know from the following list: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, or Widen Spell. With the appropriate Extend Metamagic rod you can make them last 48 hours, effectively allowing 18 spells persistent. So they're not getting the metamagic feat for free. 2. Level: 1st. That makes it 90 GP per level reduced. However, the following feats are added to the list of bonus feats available to her at those levels: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Skill Focus (Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive. 5] Damage is always relevant as long as you bring the monster down fast. Reduce the cost of adding metamagic feats to spells of a chosen school of magic: X: Rapid Metamagic: CM: Spellcraft 12 ranks, ability to spontaneously cast spells: Apply metamagic feats without increasing casting time: X: Better than Accelerated Metamagic/PHB2 variant sorcerer, but comes online later: Residual Magic: CM:. Benefit: Choose a metamagic feat you know. The metamagic specialist has all the standard Sorcerer class features, except as noted below. You have a very small spell selection though and you still need your hands to be free so maybe it would be best to have a still spell metamagic rod that doubles as a weapon or something like that. Finger of Death, Horrid Wilting) * No Save (E. ENLARGE SPELL [METAMAGIC] Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. Rapid Metamagic: You can apply metamagic feats to spells without increasing their casting time. Multi Spell : You must announce that you are using this ability before casting a spell. Depending on what level you start at, and if your DM allows retraining of any sort, you'll want to either take the Metamagic Specialist alternative class feature (PHBII) at level 1 or take the Rapid Metamagic feat (Complete. I know the usual, Divine Power/favor, Righteous Might. Easy Metamagic (Dragon #325) and Divine Metamagic (Complete Divine) reduce the level cost of metamagic feats on divine spells. $egingroup$ There are two other options: the Rapid Metamagic feat (Complete Mage, page 46), which removes the casting time increase from every spell but requires 12 ranks in Spellcraft and therefore level 9, or the metamagic specialist alternate class feature (Player's Handbook II, page 61), which can be taken at level 1 but can only be. Rapid Metamagic allows you to apply metamagic to spells cast spontaneously without an increase in casting time. 5 and one thing using 3. Special . 210) You can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal. Complete Mage: Residual Magic: You can use the lingering energy from a spell you. Check monster manual 3. If you want a straight blaster, you'll be wanting metamagic feats and eventually Rapid Metamagic, with u/cmv_lawyer 's post having a good starting list. When applying the chosen metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell uses a spell slot one level lower than normal for the applied metamagic feat, to a minimum of one level higher than a spell's normal level. If the spell’s normal casting time is 1 standard. Source Mythic Adventures pg. The three things I tend to use it for are: 1: Combination of DMM: Persistent Spell, Augment Healing, and Mass Lesser. Certainly, I have little doubt that the "something for nothing" deals that approaches that allow you to get metamagic for free (or as good as) are unbalanced (e. The paragon does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic feats, and so on). As a free action, you can take the energy from turning or rebuking undead and use it to apply a metamagic feat to divine spells that you know. Thus, when a new incantatrix level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting. Normal . + 5 ft. 3. The diviner may not select a metamagic feat as a wizard bonus feat (that is, those feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level). Forceful metamagic feat causes the affected creature to be knocked prone if failing the DC of the spell (29). Rapid Metamagic might be good if you want to be able to move AND cast in the same round. I can't think of any other feats or class abilities that do that. A number of times per day equal to (5 - the spell level increase of the feat) you may spontaneously apply that feat to a spell as you cast it, with no increase in casting time or spell level. In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level even though it is prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Of course, this may be because they apply most readily to some of the best spells in the game, thus making those spells even better. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Via the use of metamagic and some cheese one may use this not to exactly recover spells but to get more castings which is effectively the same. 5e; metamagic; spellcasting; Share. You'll overkill three things every turn for minimal investment. Deadly touch can only heal undead, but can hurt everything else. Prerequisite: Any other metamagic feat. Rapid Metamagic from Complete Mage does allow you to do this. + 5 ft. Spontaneous Casting and Metamagic Feats A cleric spontaneously casting a cure or inflict spell can cast a metamagic version of it instead. Epic Rapid Spellcasting: Spellcasting : You can cast your spells faster, without metamagic feats. Cast empowered, maximized, energy admixture:fire,energy admixture:lightning Venomfire, using all charges of your rings, your metamagic rods and the CL boosts from Karma Bead (+4), Ankh of Ascension (+4) and Ioun Stone (+1). It would also up the minimum caster level, which would increase the cost. Divine Metamagic (Persist) is the elephant in the room. $egingroup$ I'm not sure how quoting the text back to asker answers the question. Use metamagic feats with spell trigger items: Piercing Evocation: Spell Focus (evocation) or evoker level 1st: 10 points of energy damage from evocation spells becomes untyped damage: Ranged Recall: Spellcraft 4 ranks, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (ranged spell) Reroll missed spell or spell-like ranged attack at –5 penalty: Rapid MetamagicPractical Metamagic I have. Either the spell will be inaccessible at low levels or it will be overpowered at high levels. Special. an Incantatrix 2 (D&D 3. Practical Metamagic (Races of the Dragon) is a feat you apply to a particular metamagic feat and reduces it's cost by 1. ( Complete Mage, p. Is it legal to take X and Y at first level, without taking any other metamagic feat? After the character gained the level, both prerequisites are fulfilled. Complete list of. (requires any metamagic feat) Metamagic School Focus [UNKNOWN=sup]: CM: Reduces metamagic costs, as long as you stick to one school. You can charge your damaging spells with celestial energy that. This feat works well with other feats that reduce the cost of metamagic, such as Metamagic School Focus or Divine Metamagic. You're correct. The classical gish build is paladin 2/sorcerer 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/something (often Sacred Exorcist) 8. Bonus: 2 Domains, Knowledge Devotion, lore, turning, fighter feat, Cohort, Extend (Dominate Living Construct), reroll initiative, metamagic feat, and any feat; plus 4 artificer feats. Get a Standard Metamagic Rod of Empower and use it with Fire Seeds (berry bombs), put all eight berries in a pouch and you'll deal (1d8+CL)x12 damage (average >200 damage) in a 5-ft. If going this route - you should take this multiple times - on different level spells. /level, while medium-range spells have a range of 200 ft. Benefit: Choose a metamagic feat you already have. Downsides are a small expanded list. There're also the sudden <metamagic> feats. A creator can create an item at a lower. Human Wizard: Abjuration(Or Antimagic) Domain variant level 1-2, Master Specialist(Abjuration) level 3-5, Incantatrix 6-9, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7-16, Archmage 17-18(Mastery of Shaping, Arcane Reach). Each use after 5 times spends 2 charges. Lesser and Greater Metamagic Rods: Normal metamagic rods can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. Repeat spell recasts the spell in whole automatically (including all applied metamagic feats), Echo spell stores a recasting of the entire spell to be recast later without usage of a higher spell level. Re: [3. Creatures with the cold subtype take double damage from a searing spell. To be. There's the Metamagic specialist ACF from PH2 which allows you to use metamagic without extending the casting time. 5 game? I always thought of it as a "soft nerf" for prep casters and a bit of a harder nerf for spontaneous casters -- not enough to cause the loss of a tier, but certainly enough to discourage shenannigans. Rapid Metamagic ( Complete Mage, p. Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your spells. You have learned to marry the power of lightning and. ago. Nothing wrong with a quickened Prayer. Feat Category – Metamagic. Improved initiative is good for everyone, select rapid metamagic from Complete Mage if you ever want to use metamagic, especially quicken. 2. However, using Metamagic Spell Trigger you use 3 charges of a wand of Sonic Snap to apply Fell Drain, making it 22. When you apply a metamagic feat other than Heighten Spell to that spell, the enhanced spell uses up a spell slot one level lower than normal. We are allowed two flaws; that means we get 3 feats at level 1. Overzealous stacking would be to allow it to reduce the spell level adjustment of a single metamagic feat by more than one (applying the feat more than once to a single metamagic feat on a single spell), but that isn't. 5) Myself being an active user of DMM: Persistent spell, I was wondering how other people use it. Champion Summoner. So Empower Spell, for instance, takes up a slot one level higher instead of two. Casting a Metamagic Spell. You take non-damage spells like sleep and glitterdust as per normal, and if you meet foes where such spells are useless, simply convert them to damage. Assume +0. expend your psionic focus. Metamagic to the rescue! A Twin Repeat Spell of Wish effectively allows four Wishes for little more than the price of one. /level and long-range spells have a range of 800 ft. Yourfirespells sear the fl esh from your enemies' bones, leaving. That being said, since it's such a major feat, I would like to know which metamagic feat goes the best with Divine Metamagic. ) With that in mind, Thunderhead. Nifft. Casting a twinned spell causes the spell to take effect twice in the same area or on the same target simultaneously. When applying the chosen metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell, the spell uses a spell slot one level lower than normal for the applied metamagic feat, to a minimum of one level higher than a spell's normal level. Prerequisites: Rapid Reload. Complete Mage: Residual Magic: You can use the lingering energy from a spell you. Any items created using a metamagic reducing or alternate cost ability can only be used by a character with that same metamagic reducing or alternate cost ability. This supernatural quality requires no activation. So, quite clearly, you can reduce the slot increment with this feat down to one level higher than normal. This does not alter the level of the spell or its casting time. A long time ago I started a thread about this: [3. Rapid Spell (Complete Divine, p. Add extra negative energy damage to necromancy spells. ago. Epic Metamagic Staff . and widen spell is on there. This time around, I'm hoping to compile a table for reference. Special. 2010-04-25, 03:19 PM (ISO 8601) Spoilers. Gnome; or base attack bonus +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 2 ranks, and Tumble 9 ranks. Re: [3. You can make a spell last all day. You can cast a spell with a moment's thought. Rapid Reload; Run; Self-Sufficient; Shield Proficiency. Metamagic School Focus You are unusually skilled at modifying the effects of a particular school of magic. You may cast only one quickened spell per round. g. That kind of stuff doesn't really "take off" until mid levels anyway. But yes, once or twice per day, pull exactly the right spell for the situation out of your rear. Even a quicken spell metamagic rod. Quick Navigation D&D 3e/3. Metamagic rods hold the essence of a metamagic feat, allowing the user to apply metamagic effects to spells (but not spell-like abilities) as they are cast. The question gets back to where is the metamagic applied. Chaotic evil. For a thorough reading, please consult the Player’s Handbook on page 54. 1 forbidden by the rules: Quickened have a rule that "This feat can’t be applied to any spell cast spontaneously" (Bard is spontaneous caster), and Silent's rules simply say it cannot. A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. Primal Surge (Su): At 8th level, the rage mage gains the ability to use any metamagic feats he possesses while raging. The Gnome Wizard 1 substitution level that makes Silent Image a 0-level spell (gaining another +1 from Earth Spell). Let's assume his 9th level feat is Rapid Metamagic, and as a Beguiler he gets Silent Spell and Still Spell as class bonus feats. Lingering Metamagic: If you cast a spell affected by one or more metamagic feats, and then cast the same spell in the next round, you can apply any one of the metamagic effects from the first casting to the second casting, but without any change to the spell's level. An equally sketchy—but still possible—alternative would. + 20 ft. TL;DR: Metamagic requires that your next action be Cast a Spell, but to activate a Scroll you must use an Activate an Item activity that subordinates a Cast a Spell activity. I don't want to include anything from Dragon Magazine, though Easy Metamagic is obviously awesome, and Sculpt Spell would benefit hugely from Ray Coning. Lesser and Greater Metamagic Rods. Reach Spell is really good, but you need to remember that if you apply it for spontaneously "dropped" cures the rules for using metamagic feats for spontaneous casters apply. Prerequisite: Spell Focus (chosen school) or specialist wizard in chosen school Benefit: Choose a school of magic for which you have the Spell Focus feat, or the school in which you have specialized. The spell slot you must use to cast a metamagic spell is one level lower than normal (to a minimum of one level higher than normal). Be sure to get Residual Magic in CM so every other Silent Image you cast is Heightened for free, and Rapid Metamagic in CM wouldn't be a bad choice. /level and long-range spells have a range of 800 ft. Depending on what level you start at, and if your DM allows retraining of any sort, you'll want to either take the Metamagic Specialist alternative class feature (PHBII) at level 1 or take the Rapid Metamagic feat (Complete. ; The three above feats. Re: Metamagic Adept. 2. Practical Metamagic ( Races of the Dragon, p. However, it takes longer for sorcerers to cast spells modified with metamagic. Although talk with your GM since Errata states that it can only gain you spells on your class list (some choose to ignore that). Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your spells. Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of. Re: Warmage Build. Even more so by the time metamagic slinging is really starting to get running (enough spells, feats, and spell levels to actually play with). Third, many of these feats can only be used on spell-like abilities where your caster level is some minimum amount above the ability’s spell level. So with Incantatrix 10, practical metamagic, and arcane thesis (greater arcane fusion) I can twin a GAF in a 9th-level slot. Just post how you use/have used it in your DnD Campaigns. Quicken Spell is great for clerics. So the metamagic feat known as Irresistible Spell is from a campaign setting known as KoK (Kingdoms of Kalamar) a relatively unknown setting. So with Incantatrix 10, practical metamagic, and arcane thesis (greater arcane fusion) I can twin a GAF in a. Swift Healer : When the Ultimate Cleric can cast all conjuration (healing) pells as a swift action without changing the level of the spell. Borrow some from friends! Phade's Fearsome Aspect: +5 Intimidate, +10 Disguise, Demoralize as a swift action. Spell Focus (necromancy), caster level 7th. Also, Earth Spell works on any unworked earth, specifically including soil. Lesser and Greater Metamagic Rods. [3. Caster Level 21, Ability to cast spells of Rank 9, Rapid Spell feat, Quicken Spell feat. Easy Metamagic (Dragon #325) and Divine Metamagic (Complete Divine) reduce the level cost of metamagic feats on divine spells. (no prerequisites) Sudden Maximize [UNKNOWN=sup]: CA/Miniatures Handbook: Summon more of the lower list creatures. The improved familiar is magically linked to its masters like a normal familiar. " You're correct. I was told the below was a very good build for a sorcerer, but the thing is I have no idea at all what a instant metamagic sorcerer is. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell’s higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). Lingering Metamagic: If you cast a spell affected by one or more metamagic feats, and then cast the same spell in the next round, you can apply any one of the metamagic effects from the first casting to the second casting, but without any change to the spell's level. View Profile View Forum Posts Titan in the Playground Join Date Feb 2006 Location NYC Gender. This eliminates the casting-time increase of metamagic feats for spontaneous casting. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. Then you put venomfire on all three of you, and metamagic that shit as you level up with empower/maximize. They can thread together. Rapid Spell [UNKNOWN=sup]: CD: +1 level adjustment to summon as a standard action. Rapid metamagic is required to keep casting time at 1 standard action. Spontaneous casters do not have casting time increased using metamagic, but they can only apply one at a time. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description. Still, metamagic is useful. Source Pathfinder #1: Burnt Offerings pg. For instance, you could cast a quickened spell as a spell of three levels higher than normal rather than four levels higher. The problem arises from the fact that this section uses the terms spell level and spell level slots inconsistently. 5e D&D. An old silver dragon using a maximized paralysis gas breath weapon (duration 1d6+8 rounds) paralyzes creatures for 14 rounds if they fail their saving throws. If you use incantatrix to pay for the costs and look into persist spell using admixture with spells like fire shield, wreath of flames, or a stolen. Metamagic Feats; Feat Descriptions; General Feats. 5, p. Benefit: You gain the benefits of Rapid Reload with all crossbows and firearms, not just the one you originally chose when you gained that feat. I have been looking into if it is possible to use the ring of transcendent spells with spells cast from a wand. - Scrolls of spells she'd like around for when needed but doesn't prepare (and divine scrolls if she has UMD, of course). it's pretty back-loaded in useful things, but altogether. May we get an official discussion thread linked to in this thread? Thankee! (Metamagic and You: A Thesis should use this link instead!)(Complete Mage 151 has the very spiffy Metamagic Storm wondrous location where, for 5000G, you gain a metamagic feat for 1 year. Rapid Metamagic: For Sorcerer, Beguiler, and Bard ScMs this eliminates the casting time penalty of applying metamagic. Spell Fury(Su): At 9th level the rage mage may opt to cast a spell as an attack action while raging. Any other metamagic feat, Caster Level 3rd, Constitution 13+. Fist of the Gods, Rapid Spontaneous Casting: Caster Level 6, Turn Undead Level 8 9th: Cleric (d8) 4, Ordained Champion (d8) 5 +8 +8 +2 +8: Rapid Metamagic:. You won't be able to take full advantage of this until level 19, but it could be useful. Rapid Metamagic Example build, no early qualification, no flaws: Whisper Gnome, Wizard (Illusionist) 3/ Master Specialist 4/ Shadowcraft Mage 5/ Shadow Adept 1/ Shadowcrafter 7 All the Illusionist Wizard ACFs in UA, Gnome Illusionist 1 in RoS, Focused Specialist in CM, prohibited schools are Enchantment, Evocation, and Necromancy. 7. In fact, in 3. Extra time is also required in this case. Cause Disease replicates Contagion, which is a great way inflict Blinding Sickness. The combat cleric makes great use of quicken, so does the buffer cleric. Rapid Metamagic (CM) - lets you apply metamagic on the fly without increasing casting time. Black Lore of Moil. Benefit: Spontaneous casters do not have their casting time increased when using metamagic. Effects of Metamagic Feats. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting water spells.