Falasies. Slippery Slope 9. Falasies

 Slippery Slope 9Falasies Informal: Informal fallacies are arguments that have irrelevant or incorrect premises

Although we will discuss 10 common fallacies, more than 125 have been identified and named. First, there are argument-based fallacies, which. 15 Widespread Logical Fallacies. Fallacious arguments may oversimplify, fail to provide adequate evidence, make jumps in logic, or divert attention. These false claims are often very persuasive to a casual listener, so being able to identify logical fallacies is a valuable skill, as it can allow you to effectively evaluate other people. One way to go about evaluating an argument for fallacies is to return to the concept of the three types of support for claims: ethos, logos, and pathos. The bandwagon fallacy is essentially this but using it as a means of gaining support and credibility. Fallacies are often the last effort of uninformed or ill-prepared speakers who find that they have nothing better to say. Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. $44. It means against the person; it refers to an attack on the person rather than on argument. that fallacies are a counterfeit of legitimate reasoning. This is sometimes referred to as the "Fallacy of the Excluded Middle" because it can occur as a misapplication of the Law of the Excluded Middle. Crimes Committed With Fiat are Far Worse Than Crime With Crypto. Yet, just as not all facts are created equal, all opinions are also not created equal. With endless variety, examine the most common types with these fallacy examples. Thank you for doing your part! Complete List Of All Fallacies. Like lateral reading and identifying fake news, identifying logical fallacies is another method we can use to determine whether online information is valid. Try one of the following options for teaching students how to recognize bad reasoning and logic. The Straw Man. When some parts of the evidence support their argument, they typically ignore. 1. 15 Common Logical Fallacies. “We are at our wits’ end. When presented in a formal argument, they can cause you to lose your credibility as a writer, so you have to be careful of them. These tips and tricks can offer all of this quickly and discretely to the eyes of an untrained audience. Essentially, you can’t make a claim and say that something is true if you have only an example or two as evidence. Roberts, who picked up the nickname “Brushy Bill” while riding scout for a stagecoach line in the Black Hills of Idaho, had the. S. A fallacy of logos that falsely offers only two possible options even though a broad range of possible alternatives, variations, and combinations are always readily available. It is important to understand how informal fallacies work and what their supposed faults are. After the escape, Garrett set out to remove Billy from the landscape, one way or another. (2021,. Both formal and informal fallacies are errors of reasoning, and if a speaker or writer relies on such fallacies, even unintentionally, she undercuts her argument. Exercises on Fallacies. Arguments Most academic writing tasks require you to make an argument—that is, to present reasons for a ad ignorantiam (appeal to ignorance) The truth of a claim is established only on the basis of lack of evidence against it. Constructing and supporting an argument is a challenging task. If you determine that these fallacies have been committed, you should question the credibility of the author and the legitimacy of the argument. 5 Smiles all round. The Straw. The difference is that while the appeal to pity attempts to garner sympathy or pity from listeners, the red herring fallacy attempts to compare the discussion topic to something else, trying to sidetrack the audience onto a different discussion. Logical Fallacies refers to errors in reasoning that lead to faulty conclusions. I learned about fallacies recently, and it's nice to have a way to put a name to ways in which we don't think or argue logically. A logical fallacy is a flawed reasoning or false assumption that doesn’t prove anything, even though it may seem to initially make sense on the surface. The Bible Has Been Changed. In this instant New York Times bestseller, renowned economist Thomas Sowell demolishes the myths that underpin the social justice movement. They soon forget them. It is basically making a claim based on evidence that it just too small. And in an argument, it is important to understand some of the most commonly used types and be able to spot them. Appeals to pity and compassion are among. The term was introduced in the Western intellectual tradition by the Aristotelian De Sophisticis Elenchis. They soon forget them. Conclusion. The bandwagon fallacy. Most people would prefer to get rid of a few “bad apples” and keep our streets safe. Many fallacies exist. Fallacies are fake or deceptive arguments, "junk cognition," that is, arguments that seem irrefutable but prove nothing. They are based upon common statements that are made within Christianity; whether in the context of a sermon, book, theologian, or conversation. Logical fallacies are errors of reasoning—specific ways in which arguments fall apart due to faulty connection making. My burp is a. To spot a logical fallacy, you first need to know what it is. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, broccoli is rich in iron, and oranges and grapefruits have lots of Vitamin C. The meaning of FALLACY is a false or mistaken idea. Some logical fallacies are more common than others. , one that’s misleading or baseless). 3. Logical fallacies can be difficult to identify, as they often involve seemingly reasonable arguments that, upon closer examination, reveal underlying flaws. 1. An appeal to pity manipulates someone's feelings of pity or guilt in order to get them to support a point of view. Here are three common logical fallacies: Confirmation bias; Strawman argument; Vicious circle; Let’s talk about them in more detail. In fact. Remove the two 6. Learn to spot and avoid four common fallacies to prevent. Loaded Question. Fallacy, in logic, erroneous reasoning that has the appearance of soundness. Plans to eliminate or reduce pesticides probably don’t entail stopping the production of common vegetables: the suggestion that they do is an irrelevant red herring. The process of actually doing research, getting a manuscript reviewed, and working with an editor can often clean up the fallacies in research writing. 9 mm-long pentalobe screws at the bottom edge of the iPhone. Historical Errors in the Bible. Informal fallacies are expressed in natural language. 1. Fallacies are most often identified when a conclusion, claim, or argument is not properly supported by its premises (supporting statements). Their bold, distracting arguments can work! Logical fallacies are popular in politics and advertising, but also appear in our personal conversations, as the frantic teenage driver-to-be reminds us. g. On the other hand, some fallacies will have valid reasoning, but questionable or unfair premises, so we should focus only on criticizing the premises. A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Gold is inefficient. The fallacies are based upon at least of the. Having an understanding of basic logical fallacies can help you more confidently parse the arguments and claims you. This page titled 2. Quite the opposite is true. The appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy that involves manipulating people’s emotions to strengthen their support for the conclusion of an unsound argument (e. Printer friendly page. The following statements are examples of false equivalence: "The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is no more harmful than when your neighbor drips some oil on the ground when changing his car's oil. The hasty generalization fallacy, also known as the overgeneralization fallacy, is the logical fallacy of making a claim based on a sample size far too small to support the claim. Fallacies of weak induction occur when the argument being presented just doesn’t give strong enough reasons to accept the conclusion. A logical fallacy can be as straightforward as a faulty premise, or it can be more complicated, such as a circular argument. an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false: 2. 20 common logical fallacies. In this blog post, I’ll share the 10 most common logical fallacies in advertising and how you can spot them. inaccurate observation, overgeneralization, selective observation, premature closure, illogical reasoning, ideology and politics. 1. . Their minds are left largely untouched and. This quiz. Baking powder must be delicious. 2 below, eight classical fallacies are described. Fallacies are a byproduct of the collective unconscious and can prove to be unfruitful and even dangerous if allowed to slide. The ad hominem fallacy is the classic case of attacking your opponent instead of her arguments. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, broccoli is rich in iron, and oranges and grapefruits have lots of Vitamin C. 1 Fallacies of Relevance • A statement is RELEVANT to another statement if it provides at least some reason for thinking that the second statement is true or false. Here are some of the most common fallacies to be. For example, a person using an appeal to emotion in a debate might encourage the audience to ignore certain, by trying to make the audience angry at. Although logical fallacies are used within many types of arguments, the ability to recognize them can help people avoid understanding or agreeing to something based on erroneous logic and fallacious reasoning. Most flight attendants have a good sense of humor. They can lead you to lose your credibility as a writer if given in a formal argument, so be wary of them. 3. We assumed that the ability to. A fallacious argument makes productive conversation impossible. People who commit this fallacy accept a premise or. Ad Hominem Fallacy. Logical fallacies are often used to manipulate people into accepting an argument that is not based on sound reasoning. Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, VC, KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, VD, PC, FRSGS (30 September 1832 – 14 November 1914) was a British. A fallacy is an unconscious lie. The feminist argument that pornography is harmful lacks adequate support. Sometimes, writers will purposefully use logical fallacies to make an argument seem more persuasive or valid than it. Here are some suggestions to help you spot logical fallacies. The word transformed in the late 15th century with Middle English to “fallacia”, which means “deception and guile. Fallacies are, in the words of author Dorothy Seyler, “arguments that don’t work” (142). ”. When you engage in conversations and debates, it’s essential to recognize these deceptive reasoning tactics in order to strengthen your own arguments and identify the. Although he denied it at first, William Henry Roberts later claimed to be Billy the Kid, the same man allegedly shot down by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner, New Mexico Territory, around midnight on July 14, 1881. Generally fallacies include definitions, explanations or other elements of reasoning. Through time we have reclassified fallacies using various typologies and criteria. Fallacies are everywhere. For example, the statement “All the players in the team are the best in their position, so this is the best team” is based on an erroneous assumption, because “the best team” is not necessarily an aggregation of the. Enable High Contrast Disable High Contrast; English: Select a language. These fallacies happen when the writer focuses on who is the source of the idea. 3: Fallacies of Relevance. When there are two propositions, and you can demonstrate that either one or. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. This "law of logic" stipulates that with any proposition, it must be either true or false; a "middle" option is "excluded". “Either or” fallacy/false dilemma: Claiming that “either” proposition A or B is true when a third option is possible. "For example: “Raising interest rates by 3% MUST be in the best interests of the economy because the PM said so yesterday on the 9 o/clock news”. As noted at the end of Section 6. One's emotions have nothing to do with the correctness of an idea or the value of. Fallacies: The Art of Mental Trickery and Manipulation By Dr. Skip till content . These errors are errors of induction. The anecdotal evidence fallacy. Yet, just as not all facts are created equal, all opinions are also not created equal. Joe: “Yeah, who’d you like more?”. Logical fallacies are deceptive or false arguments that use faulty reasoning to shift the direction of a discussion away from the main point. The Bandwagon. “Addressing basic human needs like affordable groceries, affordable. Continuing with the list of fallacies in advertising, this effect happens when one uses one trait of a thing or a person to make an overall judgment of that thing/person. This fallacy is when people believe that correlation equals causation. Hasty Generalization: making assumptions about a whole group or range of cases based on a sample that is inadequate (usually because it is atypical or just too small). Relevance fallacies: Fallacies of this kind do not present relevant information, or present irrelevant information for the conclusion. An ad hominem is a personal attack. Fallacious arguments may oversimplify, fail to provide adequate evidence, make jumps in logic, or divert attention. This constitutes a rhetorical effort to exploit a lack of readily available evidence to support an initial. We will consider this fallacy in the next sub-section. lawman known as the man who killed Billy the Kid. Formal fallacies involve errors in the structure or form of an argument, while informal fallacies arise from errors in the content, context, or delivery of the argument. Fallacies - Download as a PDF or view online for free. A munge of two things: rhetorical techniques and logical fallacies. SUKETU MEHTA is an associate professor of journalism at New York University and an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction who has published in the New Yorker, Granta, and Harper’s Magazine. Consider the following statements: "I cannot get a job because the public education system failed. Sometimes logical fallacies are intentionally used to try and win a debate. Fallacies that rely on premises irrelevant to the truth of the conclusion. A fallacious argument can make productive conversation impossible. Go back to the Logical Fallacies Exercise Sheet and complete the following assignment: • Find an example of one the logical fallacies you just learned about (hasty generalization, circular argument, ad hominem attack, red herring) in music or on social media. Continue ReadingOn the surface, the fallacies and the legitimate arguments can very similar, but a closer reading will reveal that the fallacies make crucial missteps that undermine their argumentative force. List of cognitive biases. A paradigm example of an informal fallacy is the fallacy of composition. Connie Mathers is a professional editor and freelance writer. Logical Fallacies to Avoid When Writing. Fallacies of Logic (Logos) Post hoc ergo propter hoc -- After, therefore because of. People who use this fallacy make conclusions based on unproven evidence and research. 4. Using the first approach, students gain little by memorizing the names and definitions of fallacies. 4: Fallacies of Ambiguity and. $44. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. 1. Logical fallacies can be intentional or unintentional, and they can be committed by. Chapter Eight: Fallacies. Argument from authority. By recognizing the fallacies below, you can avoid using them in your arguments and catch them while reading other’s arguments. A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning or a flawed structure that undermines the validity of an argument. Many anecdotes can be persuasive, but to avoid committing the anecdotal fallacy, keep in mind the following special considerations:. Casual: Casual fallacies are arguments which have irrelevant or incorrect premises. What all fallacies of relevance have in common is that they make an argument or response to an argument that is irrelevant. This can be the result of errors in reasoning, a lack of evidence, the author’s use of irrelevant points, or other reasoning moves that do not logically support the argument. Whether you’re writing a critical essay or having a heated discussion with your neighbor, being aware of logical fallacies can help you build stronger arguments and establish credibility. E. Emotional fallacies- Unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions 2. The genetic fallacy is not the same as the abusive ad hominem, for. Some people are beautiful thanks to their beauty, while others merely seem to be so, due to their efforts to embellish themselves. A charged lithium-ion battery can catch fire and/or explode if accidentally punctured. Image/pexels. 4, using ethos, pathos, and logos in an argument does not mean that the argument made is necessarily a good one. This is a list of well-known fallacies. Each of which has circulated during the pandemic. . The notion of a logical fallacy can be traced back to Aristotle’s On Sophistical Refutations. A fallacy arises when an incorrect idea is the basis for an argument. Emotional fallacies- Unfairly appeal to the audience’s emotions 2. The ten most common fallacies. It includes exercises, an answer key, and cartoons. Victorians were understandably glued to the daily case numbers during their epic lockdown, while their New South Wales neighbours nervously. Think Again: How to Avoid Fallacies will show how to identify and avoid many of the fallacies that people use to get us to think the way they want us to think. A word has multiple meanings (a. He then points at the bullet-riddled target as evidence of his expert sniper. They don't necessarily mean that one thing is directly causing the other. Method: Fourteen logical fallacies that often occur in spoken and written discourse are defined and discussed. Learn how into identify everyday logical fallacies and improve your argumentation skills. The term fallacy is commonly used as a synonym for falsehood or false belief. In contrast, informal fallacies are those which cannot be identified without understanding the concepts involved in the argument. For example, when a journalist asked a question to a politician, the politician, instead of. Fallacious arguments may oversimplify, fail to provide adequate evidence, make jumps in logic, or divert attention. But as students of rhetoric, part of our job is to spend time identifying these fallacies in both our own writing and in others’ as a way to avoid them. Consider the following three lies about the Bible, Jesus, and our relationship with God, and the responses that can disarm them. Logical fallacies are deceptive or false arguments that use faulty reasoning to shift the direction of a discussion away from the main point. 1. You commit this fallacy when you make excuses and justify your. However, logical fallacies jar and disrupt arguments. But one trick she's learned on the job is that once the door closes, it's. Fallacy 2: failing to see the nuance behind the numbers. S. fallacy meaning: 1. Photo Credit: PublicDomainPictures / 17902 Pixabay 2. Non-Sequitur (It Does Not Follow) Non-Sequitur, which means “it does not follow,” is one of the 15 logical fallacies to know. is a 501 (c) (3) public charity and contributions are tax deductible. In an emergency, politics takes a backseat to policy. by Thomas Sowell. [14] [4] [9] It uses an appeal to the beliefs, tastes, or values of a group of people, [12] stating that because a certain opinion or attitude is held by a. An Appeal to Emotion aims to manipulate emotions or evoke an affective response to gain acceptance, as opposed to using logically compelling evidence. The Importance of Cultural Change to the Change Management Process. 2. Pray for discernment and to be able to listen patiently and think clearly. Appeal to Ignorance 7. Then, construct an argument as to how the logical fallacyAdvertisement. As you write, be careful to avoid logic fallacies and ideological reasoning that would undermine the focus of your topic. 4. 15 Common Logical Fallacies. ”. There are general ways that we can think about fallacies, and approaching arguments with these things in mind will help you recognize fallacious reasoning even if you can’t perfectly articulate where, why, and how something is going wrong. In this video, you’ll learn about kinds of logical fallacies and how to spot them. While people use these various types of fallacies in their daily life, it gets in the way of healthy arguments and arriving at solutions. Man needs fallacies to face situations that affect his self-esteem. Master List of Logical Fallacies. An Appeal to Emotion aims to manipulate emotions or evoke an affective response to gain acceptance, as opposed to using logically compelling evidence. Finally, they damage your credibility with your audience. 04-20-2018 08:03 AM. Image/pexels. ”. Fallacies are usually recognized in isolation, but woven into the context of an argument they may pass unnoticed, unless the critical thinker is on guard against them. For example, the following statement plays inaccurately to authority by assuming that one person only knows best, without. It is also perhaps one of the easiest to deduce. In classical logic, an argument is sound only if all of its premises are true and the argument is valid. In talking to my students about the common logical fallacies, I stress that it is not as important that they are able to label a fallacy as it is to recognize when there is a problem with the logic in a given statement. Ad Populum. TYPES OF FALLACIES – These are some of the most common fallacies used to build better arguments and understand each type. Logical Fallacies – What to Avoid in our Arguments. An argument based on emotion, not reason. An ad hominem, or personal, attack is a form of rhetoric that criticizes or praises the person making an argument instead of the actual argument. Logical Fallacies Handlist. On the left are the fallacious arguments; the explanation of them is on the right. When presented in a formal argument, they can cause you to lose your credibility as a writer, so you have to be careful of them. Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment. By Daniel Bobinski. They may seem convincing at first, but under closer examination, their underlying assumptions don’t hold up. In fact, we are there primarily for safety - comfort is secondary. For example: “Raising interest rates by 3% MUST be in the best interests of the economy because the PM said so yesterday on the 9 o/clock news”. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people. 33 4 New from $30. They may seem convincing at first, but under closer examination, their underlying assumptions don’t hold up. 5 hours ago · Photos supplied. Dividing fallacies into. Logical Fallacies Handlist: Fallacies are statements that might sound reasonable or superficially true but are actually flawed or dishonest. Here are common fallacies of relevance: 1. Halo effect. The Kid was convicted and sentenced to hang, but the following April, he made an audacious escape from prison—and killed. 1. The list of logical fallacies What follows is not a comprehensive list of all the known logical fallacies. There are five common categories of fallacies: 1. Most informal fallacies are errors of induction, but some of these fallacies can apply to deductive arguments as well. Also called the Bandwagon Fallacy, as people “jump on the bandwagon” of a perceived popular view. He has written six New. Fallacies. Not simply name-calling, this argument suggests that the argument is flawed because of its source. They can be classified by their structure (formal. Two words sound the same but mean different things. Leadership and Management. Due to this, we often form a judgment about a group of people. An either-or fallacy occurs when someone claims there are only two possible options or sides in an argument when there are actually more. Although we often associate logical fallacies with political rhetoric, we also see flawed reasoning in others’ discourse as well; it is important then to familiarize yourself with what a logical fallacy is and common examples of fallacies to better evaluate others’ arguments as well as develop your own. False dilemma. ”. Although fallacious reasoning may initially seem sound, examining it more closely reveals that there is a. By analogy, craving sugar is a tendency to act, whereas eating too much ice cream is an actual action. Fallacies are everywhere. Read a previous essay or an essay rough draft and find examples of logical fallacies. It means against the person; it refers to an attack on the person rather than on argument. Opinions Are like Noses – Everyone Has One. The same fallacies are used against the Christian faith in general, as well as specific issues like the existence of God. Correlation Is Not Causation. Logos is an argument that appeals to logic. Introduction: Arguments. In false analogy fallacies, you make an assumption about two things that are alike. Spend time studying various types of fallacies. Overview. You cannot negate the truth of one passage by appealling to another passage. Nas Lewis, a flight attendant, said. 1. Some fallacies may be subtler than others, but when used in marketing, they can have a strong persuasive effect. eduHere are a few quotes from Joseph Prince: “You are destined to reign in life. Their minds are left largely untouched and therefore unmoved. While there may be evidence to eventually support the belief that the two events are linked, the conclusion that the one must be due to the other simply because it happened. ” Still, here is our take on the ten most common fallacies. Differentiate between types of logical fallacies. Here are 15 of the most common logical fallacies with examples to help you avoid using them in future discussions. Fallacies marked by an * are. Ad Hominem Fallacy. ForceFallacies of emotion are usually found in grant proposals or public scholarship, such as reports to funders, policy makers, employers, journalists, and the public. In a fallacy of relevance, the speaker is trying to. Different Types of Fallacies. Weak arguments tend to use logical fallacies to make them appear stronger. e. People can. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Social Justice Fallacies is a book of documented facts that contradict most of the claims that are central to the. A fallacy, also known as paralogia in modern psychology, is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning in the construction of an argument [1] [2] that may appear to be well. deceptive appearance : deception. 1 Just a waitress. References. Cognitive biases also differ from logical fallacies. In this module, we will be concerned with a second kind of compound sentence; it’s called a disjunction. In the realm of logic, a logical fallacy is an argument that appears to be valid but is actually flawed. Appeal to Pity Examples. And this month, Starbucks fired Martineau,. 6. 4. an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false: 2. Fallacies often seem superficially sound, and they far too often retain immense persuasive power even after being clearly exposed as false. This is a list of well-known fallacies. Since it is a physical asset that people have a tendency to hoard, there are storage. An Appeal to Emotion aims to manipulate emotions or evoke an affective response to gain acceptance, as opposed to using logically compelling evidence. For instance, “bright” means “reflecting light” but also “intelligent. At the end of the day, they work against the persuasive strategies and leave your audience not convinced of your argument. ideas or arguments that are illogical. informal fallacies we will be analyzing will be weak in the reasoning, and we need not waste time and intellectual effort worrying whether the premises are true or fair. We've ranked the Top 10 Logical Fallacies that are among the most commonly used logical fallacies. House cats must also be ruthless killers. An argument that a claim is valid because the person making the claim is an authority. Division: Presuming that what is true of the whole must be true of some or all of the parts. Anderson, R. Specifically, this is a claim that a policy which takes a small step in one direction will lead to a chain of events that will result in drastic change. 1. Below is a list of informal fallacies, divided into four main categories: fallacies of irrelevance, presumption, ambiguity, and inconsistency. Logical fallacies are divided into two main types. Common Logical Fallacies. Verbal fallacies focus on how we use words to argue—an argument may be logically sound but rely on inappropriate language to make its point. construction of fallacies to the pursuit of human interests and irrational desires. Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that are based on poor or faulty logic. Correlation Is Not Causation. False Dichotomy. A fallacy is reasoning that is logically invalid, or that undermines the logical validity of an argument. In the tech world, this effect is often a case of perception. In such cases, the argument or stance is often erroneous or flawed mainly because it involves the promotion of two different beliefs. This premise has the form of a disjunctive claim: it asserts that one among. For example, Plato’s classic syllogism,Jane: “It was nice meeting your parents tonight”. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Logical fallacies can be separated into two general groups: formal and informal. A non-sequitur occurs when an argument’s conclusion does not logically follow from its premises. Hasty generalization: jumping to conclusions based upon an unrepresentative sample or insufficient evidence. ARGUMENTS Most academic writing tasks require you to make an argument—that is, to present reasons for a. A specious argument while lie is the terrain and conditions surrounding the ball before it is struck. The argument is flawed due to the fact that two distinct beliefs are both promoted. Both are fallacies of relevance, and both operate by introducing an irrelevant point to the discussion. Fallacies of relevance are a group of fallacies that occur in arguments when the premises are logically irrelevant to the conclusion. 3: Fallacies of Weak Induction. Fallacies may appear intentionally or unintentionally in language constructs. If you are interested in learning more of them, Stanford, Purdue, the University of North Carolina, and the University of Texas at El Paso have put together some great logical fallacy lists. Here are 16 fallacies to be aware of when making logical arguments: 1. g. Appeals to pity and compassion are among. Creationism debate, it is important to be able to spot all the logical fallacies that Creationists tend to throw around. It is important to avoid them. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. When you evaluate an argument for logical fallacies, you consider what elements of the argument, if any, would cause an audience to believe that the argument is illogical or inappropriately manipulative. Ambiguity fallacies: Such fallacies employ unclear or equivocal terms or propositions, so that it becomes impossible to grasp a precise sense of what is being argued for. Audio CD.